North Dakota Student Nurse of the Year and North Dakota Nurse Educator of the Year honored at event

Photo of Adriana Rasidovic holding a plaque showing her award for ND Student Nurse of the Year

Adriana Rasidovic, student at NDSU桑福德健康护理学院 in 俾斯麦, North Dakota

阿德里安娜·拉西多维奇,护理系学生 NDSU桑福德健康护理学院 in 俾斯麦 has been selected as the North Dakota Student Nurse of the Year. 吉尔·约翰逊, assistant professor of practice at 桑福德健康中心的NDSU护理, 被评为北达科他州年度护士教育家. Both received the honors from the 护理 学生’ Association of North Dakota at the group’s Annual Convention held in 俾斯麦 January 22-25.

“My philosophy of nursing is all about caring for others with compassion, 尊重, 和共鸣,拉西多维奇说. “Strong nurses are those who can implement the importance of advocating for their patients and believe in the power of therapeutic relationships. My cultural background and personal experience have given me a unique perspective and the ability to connect with others from different walks of life,”她说。. “欢迎是非常重要的, 支持, and open-minded nurse as we care for many individuals from various backgrounds and experiences.”

出生在美国.S., Rasidovic appreciates the sacrifices her family made to give her opportunities. Her parents came to America as refugees from Croatia and Bosnia. She recounts that her family had to rebuild their lives from the ground up in an unfamiliar setting after experiencing war in their region. “这对他们来说是一次过山车般的经历, where they would need to learn a whole new language and way of living. Their resilience and determination are what have molded me into the person I am today,拉西多维奇说, 谁在家里主要说母语.

“It wasn’t until I began school that I started fluently speaking English. 通过接受这些差异, 我已经能够提高我的适应能力, 沟通, 以及与周围人的联系,拉西多维奇说. “My family was truly grateful for the welcoming individuals who lent them a hand during and after the war, and these recollections have been what has stuck with them throughout all these years. Because of this, my parents raised me to be open-minded, 种类。, appreciative, and inviting of others.”

Rasidovic has augmented her nursing studies with work in a hospital oncology unit and as a certified nursing assistant. 她还担任学生护理大使, a director of community outreach for the 护理 学生’ Association, 作为野牛伙伴指导其他学生, 并作为导师帮助学生实现学业目标.

“She is a model student who has strong academic, clinical, professional, and personal attributes. 医院工作人员认为阿德里亚娜很聪明, 种类。, 富有同情心的, 勤劳的, 专用的, 专业和关怀,苏珊·霍尔说, assistant professor of practice at 桑福德健康中心的NDSU护理 in 俾斯麦. “阿德里亚娜以身作则的热情脱颖而出.”

Rasidovic may pursue nursing specialties in neonatal 重症监护 or oncology upon graduation, 但无论她以何种角色开始她未来的护理生涯, Rasidovic plans to implement leadership skills to create an empowering environment for patients and healthcare team members.

Photo of nursing faculty member 吉尔·约翰逊 holding an award plaque designating her as North Dakota Nurse Educator of the Year

吉尔·约翰逊, assistant professor of practice, NDSU桑福德健康护理学院


吉尔·约翰逊, assistant professor of practice in the NDSU桑福德健康护理学院 in 俾斯麦, 被评为北达科他州年度护士教育家 by the North Dakota 护理 学生’ Association during the group’s convention in January.

“I give credit to Professor Johnson for much of my knowledge and confidence that I have today working as a nurse,毕业生奥利维亚·迪特里希说, 谁现在是急诊室护士. “Professor Johnson is without a doubt knowledgeable in her critical care topic and her love for teaching and helping students succeed does not stop at the classroom door.”

Johnson’s career in nursing includes patient care in the emergency department, 重症监护, 家庭健康, 长期护理, 以及临床环境. She’s assisted with health clinics for vulnerable populations and volunteers at local food pantries. 在COVID-19大流行期间, she was compelled to also work as a bedside nurse to help patients and families.

“My philosophy of nursing is centered around holistic support,约翰逊说, 谁遵循对学生高期望的原则, 强调批判性思维和以学生为中心的方法. “My passion for both medicine and education led me to become a nurse educator. I find it fulfilling to engage students simultaneously in the classroom and at the bedside during clinicals.”

Catherine Comis appreciates Johnson’s innovative teaching methods. “She often incorporates real life into lectures by including case studies that often accompany conversations of ‘textbook’ versus ‘real life.’ These conversations help prepare us as new grads for what to actually expect within practice,科米斯说。.

NDSU的学校 护理 provides bachelor’s and graduate nursing education at sites in 俾斯麦 and 法戈, North Dakota. 课程适用于非全日制和全日制学生, working professionals and those seeking online educational opportunities.  

